Insurance Info

The following information will help you in getting started and insurance billing.

Only families with insurance pay for this service which is one of the ways we can keep our overall prices lower. Most PPO insurance will reimburse at the out-of-network rates and we’ve had a few instances of them paying the in-network rate (due to a network gap).

Our insurance billing service will work hard to help you get the maximum reimbursement from your insurance company.


Regardless of insurance status, your first payment/deposit is required at the initial visit Prenatal visit after you have attended a tour and monthly payments will be made through the 36th week of pregnancy. Payments can be made by cash, check, visa, mastercard, debit and HSA account cards (Health Savings Account).  

  • PPO Insurance

    Most PPO plans will cover Midwifery care at the Out-of-Network rates. We do not contract with any PPO insurance companies nor will we enter in to any insurance agreements with your specific plan.  

    If you have Cigna, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, BC/BS, Aetna, United Healthcare and it is a PPO, you can call the customer service number on the back of the card and inquire if "Midwifery Care by a California Licensed Midwife" is covered by your policy.  We could have 10 women with Blue Cross and each one will have a different policy and benefits.  

    If Midwifery Care is a covered benefit you can then ask if there are any contracted midwives within 30 miles of your home address.  If there are no contracted midwives, then you may be eligible for an in-network exception called a GAP exception.  

    Clients pay for their services throughout their pregnancy and work with our biller for any insurance reimbursement. 

  • Health Shares

    Families with a HealthShare account such as Christian Healthcare Ministries, Samaritans Ministry, Solidarity etc. will also work with Earthsidebilling (insurance biller) for reimbursement. As with any insurance, you'll pay for the care up front and get reimbursed by your health share plan. Some families have a deductible they must meet and are reimbursed the remaining balance once the deductible is met. 

  • NOt Covered

    If you have any of the following insurance types, your care with us WILL NOT BE COVERED BY YOUR INSURANCE:

    • Any MediCal program; Straight MediCal, IEHP, Molina, LA Care, etc. 
    • ANY HMO including BC, BS, Cigna, UHC, Aetna regardless of whether midwives are a covered entity  or not.  AA Midwifery is not contracted with any HMO.
    • Any Covered California insurance program
    • Kaiser


  • Earthside billing

    We DO NOT do insurance billing.  Those  with a PPO insurance wanting to bill for services will contract with and pay Earthside Billing to submit claims. Reimbursements are processed AFTER you baby is delivered due to how midwifery care is coded and billed for.

    Once you have made the decision you can go to Earthside's website and begin a VOB: Verification of Benefits.  Earthside charges $40 for this service as it is typically a 1-2 hour call with the insurance company.  Once they have obtained the VOB they will contact you to set up a time to discuss your benefits and what is covered.  You can then decide if you'd like to contract with Earthside to do insurance billing for you.  Once you contract with Earthside, they will be granted access to your chart so they bill for care of both  you and the baby.

    Click the link to get started on your VOB